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Clinical and Patient Facing Resources

Resources to help you with clinical knowledge and patient facing assessment activities

The resources in this section are grouped into key areas aligned to the HEE Trainee Pharmacist Foundation Year Assessment Strategy with a separate section outlining key clinical resources

Preparing for the GPhC Registration Assessment?

The feedback from previous sittings have highlighted the following areas as answered less well:

  • Differentiating between red flag symptoms and those that are most likely associated with illness that can be managed appropriately with advice from a pharmacist
  • Differentiating between an adverse drug reaction and an allergy
  • Advising on medication use in patients who are breastfeeding
  • Providing advice on contraception
  • Safety issues with high-risk mediations, including methotrexate and valproate

The NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries are a great resource to identify red flag symptoms and make differential diagnoses. They cover a wide range of therapeutic areas, provide background information and evidence-based recommendations, and act as a key resource for the community Pharmacy Consultation Service.    

We would also recommend you revisit the GPhC Assessment Framework, which summarises the relative importance of the learning outcomes tested in the assessment, to support your final preparations.

We wish you all the best with your preparations and revision.

There are many resources available that will provide you with opportunities to develop clinical skills and knowledge. The following organisations provide training for the pharmacy workforce on behalf of the NHS, and on their websites you will find a range of options that you may find useful. In partnership with your designated supervisor you should identify which resources will best support your development based on your learning needs analysis. We recommend at the start of your training you spend some time browsing through the sites to familiarise yourself with the opportunities they provide.

Centre for Postgraduate Pharmacy Education (CPPE)


CPPE provides a wide range of clinical and personal development resources and continuing professional development opportunities for pharmacists, trainee pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.

You will need to register for CPPE following the instructions here.

Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics resources can be accessed from the CPPE home page here.

Trainee pharmacists can access most CPPE resources free of charge (please note some do have costs listed next to them but these do not apply to trainee pharmacists).

NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries


National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Clinical Knowledge Summaries (NICE CKS) cover over 370 topics with focus on the most common and significant presentations in primary care.

NICE CKS provide practitioners with a readily accessible summary of the current evidence base and practical guidance on best practice.

NICE CKS is open access

Medicines Learning Portal


The Medicines Learning Portal provides resources and expertise that will help UK pharmacists at the beginning of their careers to tackle the clinical problems that will confront them throughout their professional lives. The site is aimed at trainee and foundation level pharmacists in hospitals but will benefit trainees regardless of sector.

The Medicines learning Portal is open access.



SCRIPT is an e-learning programme to improve safety and competency among healthcare professionals around prescribing, therapeutics and medicines management. There is a specific programme for pharmacy consisting of 59 available modules. To support your development, it is recommended that you discuss with your designated supervisor which ones are most appropriate for you to complete.

You will need to register to access SCRIPT here.

HEE Genomics Education Programme


The Health Education England genomics education programme delivers learning and development opportunities that prepare current and future NHS professionals to make the best use of genomics in their practice. Bitesize learning focusses on the question “what is genomics?”.

HEE Genomics Education Programme is open access

e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH)


e-LfH has a wide range of clinical resources available. e-LfH supports users from apprentices to consultants, therefore it is important that you review the course learning outcomes and discuss the suitability of identified programmes with your designated supervisor when deciding whether the course will meet your needs.

e-LfH can be accessed via your OpenAthens account

BMJ Best Practice


BMJ Best Practice uses the latest evidence-based research, guidelines and expert opinion to offer step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention.

BMJ Best Practice can be accessed for free via your OpenAthens account

Use the links below to access resources relating to specific topics.

Additional resources covering the development of specific communication skills can be found in the General and Calculations Skills Resources section.


- CPPE: Consultation Skills Gateway Page
- CPPE: Effective management of over-the-counter (OTC) consultations
- HealthTalk: A Patient Perspective
- Shared Decision Making
- Consultation Skills For Pharmacy Practice
- CPPE: Culturally competent person-centred care



Use the links below to access resources relating to specific topics.

- Making Every Contact Count
- Health Literacy
- Behaviour Change Literacy

Use the links below to access resources relating to specific topics.

- Safer prescribing for Primary Care
- Patient Safety
- Patient Safety Information
- Risk Management