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Responses to the National Education and Training Survey 2018 under the theme of induction.
From the HEE Quality Framework, the expectation for the quality of your induction is:
Learners receive an appropriate and timely induction into the learning environment.
NETS question: The formal induction or introduction I was given at the start of the placement (e.g. being shown around, being given a timetable, having my role explained to me).
HEE Quality teams will have a particular focus on induction as they carry out their quality assurance activities and interventions over the coming months, supporting placements to meet expected standards.
Did you know?
Here is a list of useful resources; ongoing projects or guides that may support learners in placement.
The NHS Streamlining Programme was formed in 2017 to improve the onboarding and induction process for junior doctors’ rotations. The aim is to reduce duplication between different arms-length bodies and to improve the experience for doctors in training rotations or transferring between NHS Employers.
Visit the NHS Streamlining Resource Hub - hosted by NHS Employers.
Or access specific information on improving the rotational experience for doctors in training.
This e-learning programme aimed at doctors in training (specifically F1s and F2s), returning doctors and doctors from overseas, working in primary care, secondary care and community settings hosted on e-learing for Healthcare.
Access the Doctors in Training Induction e-learning process.