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Workforce planning and intelligence
The Workforce Planning and Intelligence Directorate supports the achievement of HEE’s aim by identifying or collecting, processing and presenting data to inform decision-making relating to workforce issues.
We have, or are in the process of, developing Workforce Action Plans for each of the Five Year Forward View priority areas as well as undertaking activities to improve our use of available data.
We have previously focussed on the impact of education and training numbers, producing an annual workforce plan (these can be found following the link below) which set out our planned investments in medical and non-medical training and education.
Funding arrangements for undergraduate non-medical education have changed following the Comprehensive Spending Review announcement in 2016, so an annual workforce plan is being replaced by a series of more detailed profession or medical specialty factsheets, which will be updated on a rolling basis. These will be supplemented by the Medical Investment Plan - found in the Board papers section of our website.
Take a look at our former investment plans and workforce plans: