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Training plans

From the 2025/26 foundation training year onwards, every foundation training site that has a trainee pharmacist allocated to it must submit a training plan to NHS England, to demonstrate how the training site will align to the training, assessment and supervision requirements of the foundation trainee pharmacist programme.

From the 2025/26 training year, training plans:

The training plan has 3 sections:

  • part 1: Programme and organisation information
  • part 2: Programme training and supervision plan
  • part 3: Local quality management arrangements

Purpose of the training plan

  • to articulate how the trainee will complete the required activities within the NHS England assessment strategy across internal and external rotations included in the training site programme/rotation
  • details of the induction processes, including mandatory training to be undertaken
  • plan for developing the trainees in independent prescribing practice during the programme, including access to a prescribing learning setting. Please note that where a site has been allocated a trainee that has graduated against the old learning outcomes (pre-2021 MPharm learning outcomes) or from an OSPAP course, this section of the training plan does not need to be completed.
  • provision of supervision for the trainee - including designated supervisors, designated prescribing practitioners and practice supervisors
  • the local quality management arrangements that are in place within organisations, to support the ongoing development of training environment quality

Frequently asked questions

Where are the declarations that used to be in the GPhC training plan?

Some declarations are included in the terms of participation within the National Recruitment Scheme and more will be included in future processes (further information to follow), which refocuses the training plan on development of foundation trainee pharmacists against the NHS England assessment strategy, GPhC initial education and training standards and the HEE quality framework. Declarations relating to supervisors will be made separately when supervisors submit their details to NHS England.

I host a trainee in a multisector rotation, do I need to submit a plan?

It is the responsibility of the organisation employing the trainee pharmacist to create and submit a training plan, and this must include details of rotations to other sites. If you are hosting a trainee on a rotation but are not the employer of the trainee then you do not need to submit a training plan. However, you will need to support the organisation that is employing the trainee to develop the content of the training plan describing the rotation you are providing.

Does there have to be a training plan submitted per training post/trainee?

There must be a training plan uploaded to the e-portfolio for each trainee that accurately describes the training programme.

When do I need to submit the training plan?

The training plan must be submitted to the e-portfolio within 4 weeks of the trainee pharmacist commencing training.

How does the submission process work?

The lead designated supervisor at the site of employment of the trainee, must upload the training plan to the NHS England e-portfolio.

The submission process to NHS England replaces the process of submission to the General Pharmaceutical Council. Training sites are not required to submit plans to the GPhC.