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East of England’s Enhancing Generalist Skills programme takes shape

22 April 2022

HEE has recently launched the Enhancing Generalist Skills programme to help develop generalist skills, supporting 'whole person' care, and to help reduce health inequalities and address local health priorities.

Trailblazer programmes have been set up in each of the HEE regions with the east of England’s focusing on population health and environmental sustainability, and the development of a 360 virtual reality learning resource. 

Health Education England in the east of England is leading the way by delivering a new foundation training experience for generalism foundation doctors in the region.  

Placements for those in the second year of their foundation training (F2) will include opportunities to work across systems and disciplines throughout the whole year. This gives trainees the unique opportunity to follow a patient journey across systems, work collaboratively with MDT colleagues, and explore partnership working with non-NHS organisations.  

With the support of eight trusts HEE has been able to offer 38 generalism posts in the east of England for 2022.

Alongside this enhanced F2 experience, Generalism also consists of Enhance, an educational component.  This is a five year programme with six modules of learning which will commence in the first year of foundation training (F1) and continue into specialty training. 

Filming for the pioneering interactive 360 virtual reality training tool will begin soon, and the team is looking for volunteers to act the roles of health professionals. To find out more contact generalism.eoe@hee.nhs.uk

Two educational fellows will soon be recruited to support ongoing development of the Enhance educational offer and support our foundation doctors to embark on change projects in the areas of population health and environmental sustainability.  

More plans are in development that will be shared soon.  Find out more on the east of England School of Generalism webpage or contact generalism.eoe@hee.nhs.uk

“Being involved in the School of Generalism project is a fantastic opportunity to shape the next generation of postgraduate medical education and to help build a medical workforce ready to staff the NHS for 2030 and beyond” 

“Generalism isn’t about being an expert at everything, it is about doctors who live a professional life informed by a breadth of knowledge and experience that allows them to respond better when the world changes around them”

Dr. Daniel James, Programme Director, School of Generalism, East of England Foundation Schools

The generalism programme comes in response to the Future Doctor Report which highlighted that medical education and training needs to evolve to ensure that Doctors have the skills to respond to a changing health landscape.  

A new programme handbook outlines the background to the work and expectations of participants, with a structure to guide learning activities that can meet the programme’s outcomes. 

You can find out more about the programme and download our handbook.


This Page was last updated on: 5 May 2022