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The east of England healthcare support worker programme

7 September 2023

HCSW North West Anglia NHS TrustThe healthcare support worker (HCSW) programme was launched in September 2020 to enhance the roles of HCSWs, increase recruitment, reduce turnover, ensure consistent patient care, and contribute to the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Healthcare support workers play a vital role in providing excellent care to patients across all NHS care settings performing a wide range of duties including observations of patients, including temperature, pulse, respiration and weight.

The programme includes key four pillars:

  • Attraction
  • Innovative recruitment
  • Learning and development
  • Value and recognition

In the east we have been actively involved in supporting trusts by launching a regional network to help share best practices in recruitment, retention, and development.

The network offers support including regular drop-in sessions for discussions and advice, peer support workshops, monthly network meetings and face to face away days in addition to bespoke support for Trusts. These efforts have effectively strengthened the strategic workstreams across the region.

New to the NHS

One of the programme’s ambitions is to recruit people wishing to start a career in the NHS from outside health and care sectors. It has focussed on encouraging people, at all stages of their working lives, who have transferable skills and experiences to apply for HCSW roles.

The "New to Care" initiative has been effectively implemented across the region using large-scale recruitment events, digital campaigns, and "taster days" to provide potential employees with insights into the profession. 

In 2022/23 the programme has attracted individuals from local populations to join the NHS workforce with nearly half of all new recruits having had no prior experience in healthcare.

Supporting and rewarding staff

We have emphasized the importance of pastoral support to reduce leaving rates of staff and ensure that value and recognition are ingrained from the outset of a healthcare worker's journey.

In November 2022 national awards were introduced to recognise the contributions of HCSWs and MSWs (maternity support workers). Many staff have been honoured for demonstrating exceptional dedication to patient care. So far the region has received:

  • 21 Chief Nursing Officer awards
  • 11 Chief Midwifery Officer awards

Trusts are preparing to celebrate HCSW Day in November, aiming to highlight the achievements and contributions of healthcare support workers. The regional team are planning a virtual celebration, focusing on the workforce's notable contributions and achievements.

 Louisa White, Senior Nursing Workforce Manager for HCSW in the region said:

“Health care support workers are vital part of the NHS and we want to support their development with access to clear career pathways.  We made some great progress on the programme across the east of England.

We are working on initiatives to widen access, foster diversity, and streamline hiring processes and we are supporting trusts in integrating flexible working arrangements.”

More information about the programme is on the HCSW NHS Futures webpage.

HCSW Papworth