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HEE’s regional education investment plan to upskill and train the local workforce

18 October 2022

This year, in the east of England (EoE), we have worked in partnership with integrated care board (ICB) systems to promote a system led approach to education investment planning, to support conversations around the education and training needs of providers in each system. The investment plan includes funding for the future workforce supply needed to deliver NHS services and best care for patients. Across HEE, this relates to 90% of HEE funding and covers over 100 programmes, across medical, dental, nursing, AHP, pharmacy and scientific professions.

Combining system reviews and input from programme leads, alongside a review of previous demand and utilisation, a final education investment plan has been created (also known as METIP - multi-professional education and training investment plan).  This plan was submitted nationally within HEE on 7 October, as the EoE education investment plan to upskill and train the local workforce. Over the next few months, the plans will be reviewed nationally, and once agreed, this will be utilised to inform the regional provision received for the coming year.