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Round table deep dive events

28 July 2023

Round table

Over 700 attendees join events to help improve mental health, autism and learning disability treatment.

Staff across the east England have taken part in a deep dive into national mental health, autism and learning disability resources.

Over five roundtables, two open forums and an all-day symposium we heard from many inspirational speakers ranging from students in training to well-seasoned professionals. Both passionate about mental health, autism, and learning disability services.

Stakeholders included regional HEI’s, integrated care boards (ICBs), learners, service users, carers and NHS, social care and private and voluntary sectors.

The programme of events came about following the All-England Plan for Learning Disability Nursing, The Implementation Plan for Autism and The Baroness Watkins of Tavistock Review of Mental Health Nursing.

The aim of the roundtables was to analyse the workstreams, to identify key issues and have informed discussions on how we could make the mental health, autism and learning disability sector a better and safer place to work and become an attractive prospective.

The roundtables have created 500 deep dive conversations and going forward, task and finish groups and learner focus groups are being created. We had over 700 attendees across all events which between colleagues created even more of a focus. With Emma Dillon, Deputy Head of Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism facilitating these conversations we were able to capture many opinions and concerns.


"The energy and passion were fantastic, I felt that we had a sense of purpose and a call to action."

"I was shocked at the innovation within our region – I had no idea so much was going on."

"The national and regional updates helped me to keep up to date."

See resources here: