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Student destination survey

21 June 2023

student destination survey

The student destination survey for the east of England is now live.  Nursing, midwifery and allied health professional (AHP) students in their final year of study are encouraged to share their experiences.

Access the survey here.

Feedback will support understanding of first employment choices and preferences to help ensure a positive experience for newly qualified learners and support the NHS to build a workforce for the future.

The survey is open until the end of September and the results will be made available.

Please note this survey is different the Graduate Outcomes survey that is sent 15 months after graduation.

Giving feedback will help employers improve the recruitment process for students taking on their first role after qualifying in the NHS. Survey results provide the insight to enable workforce and training and education colleagues to work with employers to ensure a positive experience for newly qualified healthcare learners and make changes that reduce the numbers of newly qualified choosing to not take up NHS roles.

Take the survey here.

student destination survey

Please share details of the survey with relevant audiences. Communications materials including posters and briefing slides can be downloaded below.