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Supporting maternity learning - stakeholder event

18 October 2022

HEE will host a regional virtual event on Friday 9 December, 09:30am to 12:30pm for midwifery and obstetrics and gynaecology learners and educators.

Delivered in collaboration with NHS England and the General Medial Council (GMC) the event will recognise the excellent support that learners receive in practice, but also acknowledging some of the existing challenges.

The event supports the ongoing project to improve the maternity culture for learning. Previous engagement has identified areas of really good practice, but also potential triggers and early warning indicators where there may be challenges and where targeted support could help.

This workshop will provide an opportunity to:

  • socialise the work so far, testing out themes arising in relation to good practice and potential triggers
  • seek engagement and contributions to identifying what an early warning process might look like
  • explore what support might be beneficial at an individual, departmental, organisational and university level

If you are a learner or educator interested in attending this exciting event, please sign online.

The outcomes of the event will be shared with senior trust staff.