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AHP research and innovation strategy anniversary event - Wednesday 25 January
21 December 2022
We are celebrating the anniversary of the allied health profession research and innovation strategy with a free online celebration event on Wednesday 25 January, between 10:30 and 14:30.
The event will include important news and announcements about exciting developments since the launch of this strategy in January 2022 and comprise a packed programme of invited presentations about the implementation progress of the strategy at national, regional and organisational levels.
Our programme includes invited presentations plus hot-off-the-press news reports of work by the national CAHPR Strategy Board, NIHR Academy, Council of Deans of Health (CODH), National Association of Educators in Practice (NAEP) and other national stakeholders.
We encourage allied health professionals (AHPs) at all career stages to follow this event, in all job roles including practitioners, students, support workers, managers, employers, educators, researchers. Colleagues from all related sectors and other stakeholders are also warmly welcomed.