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Cancer and diagnostics webinar - Wednesday 9 November

24 October 2022

In 2021, a model to develop Training Academies for Imaging and Endoscopy emerged following the publication of the Richards Review for Diagnostic Services. This new model was needed to deliver the increase in diagnostic activity required now and over the coming years, and to provide safe, patient-centred pathways for diagnostics.

The long-term vision for the academy is to bring an increased number of learners and increased numbers of imaging staff able to enter the workforce.

This will be achieved through the provision of accelerated training towards independent practice, supporting a diverse multi-skilled imaging workforce, and taking a co-ordinated approach to the delivery of learning and training opportunities.

Join us on Wednesday 9 November between 13:00 and 15:00 to learn more about how the models work for the Midlands region, the successes and challenges to date and the next steps for 2023/24.

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