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Digital health technologies in inpatient mental health care

22 May 2023

The NHS England digital mental health team, the quality transformation team (MH & LDA) and adult acute mental health policy team are looking at the role of digital health technologies in inpatient mental health care. 

They would like to interview a range of stakeholders, particularly staff working on inpatient wards, (eg nurses, nursing associates, matrons, healthcare assistants, ward managers, service managers), to develop an understanding of how digital interfaces with the realities of the day-to-day running of a ward. This also includes individuals working across any of children and young people, adult, and learning disability and autism inpatient services.

Taking part includes a 30 – 45 minute discussion via Microsoft Teams with the team to capture your views and insights on this topic area.

If you would be happy to speak to the team or know of colleagues or forums who could provide useful insights, please contact lotte.coppieters@nhs.net to express your interest or to ask any questions.