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Enhanced practice apprenticeship for general practice nursing

11 January 2023

Health Education England has recently supported the development of a new apprenticeship for enhanced clinical practice.

The apprenticeship can be used to train general practice nurses with some experience, it is for those ready for development in long-term condition management and non-medical prescribing.

The apprenticeship will enable them to hold independent clinics. Additionally, if supported by local need and demand, other modules could be provided, such as mental health, women’s health or minor injuries.

We envisage this course to have some core modules such as non-medical prescribing, Clinical leadership and research in health, as well as a picking list of modules for specific clinical skills relevant to your practice, such as diabetes management, respiratory diseases, minor illnesses or sexual health. The length of the apprenticeship would be 12-18 m depending on modules selected.

Read more about the enhanced clinical practice apprenticeship.