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New learner events for our training programme directors

24 October 2022

We have organised a selection of learner events for our training programme directors (TPDs) across the East Midlands, the aim of which is to develop a robust group of senior educators in the role of TPDs to facilitate the running of training programmes.

TPDs will have an initial induction and then a series of CPD sessions that will enhance their skills as senior educators, leaders and provide ongoing career support.

The East Midlands region currently has over 100 TPDs in post covering all specialties. This programme aims to provide an induction and continuing development of our TPDs to support them in bringing excellence in training to the region. This programme will combine face to face development sessions where TPDs can network and share experience; online virtual “crash inductions” to facilitate those new to the role but falling in between sessions; and online resources on the postgraduate virtual learning environment (PGVLE).

We are asking our TPDs to try and attend as many of these as they can: