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Opportunity to learn more about health literacy

7 July 2022

We are pleased to announce that a new series of health literacy courses and resources is now available to sign up to. 

There is a crisis in adult literacy that directly impacts on people’s health. In the UK 7.1 million adults read and write at or below the level of a nine-year-old and, critically, 43% of adults do not understand written health information.

Providing reliable easy-to-understand health information in accessible formats for patients and communities can help people make better decisions about their health and take an active part in planning their own care.  Being armed with greater knowledge can also have a huge impact on how people respond to treatment, recover from illness and manage a long-term condition.

Health Literacy Awareness Training -  available to everyone as a first step into the coursework:

Health Literate Organisation Workshop - only available for those who have completed the Health Literacy Awareness Training within the last year:

Community of Practice Workshop - designed for existing Health Literacy Champions who have completed a Health Literate Organisation Workshop:

Read more about better health through improved health literacy elsewhere on our website.