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Pharmacy’s ‘Women to Watch’ visit the Houses of Parliament

22 May 2023

Picture of Zeenat Hassam outside the Houses of Parliament, with Big Ben in the background.

In December, we celebrated that a member of our Midlands pharmacy team, Zeenat Hassam, was recognised as one of The Pharmaceutical Journal’s ‘Women to Watch 2022’. In April, Zeenat, along with her fellow nominees, was invited to the Houses of Parliament by Taiwo Owatemi, Labour MP for Coventry North West and The Pharmaceutical Journal to celebrate the achievements of women across the pharmacy sector.

The women were treated to many interesting speakers including Karen Baxter, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and Thorrun Govind, Chair of the RPS English Pharmacy Board.

Reflecting on the day, Zeenat said:

It was a huge honour to be invited to an event with so many inspirational women within the pharmacy workforce. I genuinely enjoyed meeting colleagues and individuals who are passionate about the profession and listening to their leadership journeys and experiences. It was a very humbling experience indeed and one that has further reinforced my drive to promote and disseminate all the great work that pharmacy professionals are doing across the country.

To read more about the event, please head to The Pharmaceutical Journal’s website.