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Physician Associates Preceptorship 2022-23

12 July 2022

The Primary Care School in the Midlands has funding for Physicians Associate (PAs) Preceptorship for 2022/23.

We have funding for 78 places across the 11 systems and will offer places initially on a first-come first-served basis, but may ringfence some to ensure parity across the systems, for which those that do not have much activity but are keen to kick start. 

If this is your system, please can you let us know your anticipated numbers. We encourage Training Hub leads and teams working with primary care networks and GP surgeries to submit applications at your earliest convenience to ensure that your applicants are provided with funding.

Please complete the HEE Preceptorship guidance that highlights the criteria of a PA for the preceptorship funding and the application form, and email this to midlandsprimarycareschool@hee.nhs.uk.