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Public health, sexual health, and nutrition

22 May 2023

Trainee pharmacists took part in their final virtual clinical session of their foundation year training in April. The session focussed on public health, sexual health and nutrition and was led by:

  • Megan Boucher, Lead Pharmacist for Nutrition, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust; and
  • Yasir Sacranie, Advanced Specialist Pharmacist at University Hospitals of Leicester & Senior Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice at De Montfort University, Director of MicroPharm and National Lead for Trainee Pharmacists at MORPh Training.

The experts delivered an interactive session to support trainee pharmacists to understand the role of a pharmacist in promoting public health and how they can contribute to the development and implementation of effective public health strategies, including identifying effective strategies for addressing health inequalities and improving overall community health.

The importance of sexually transmitted infections prevention and treatment in promoting sexual health was also discussed. In relation to nutrition, the session covered parenteral and enteral nutrition, including associated monitoring requirements and potential complications.

Some feedback on the session from our trainee pharmacists:

“… the timings, level of interactivity, anonymous polls, specialist speakers, timings and breaks were all very well thought out and executed, thank you for always listening to our feedback and implementing it for future sessions, it makes a difference and does not go unnoticed! :)”

“Presenting the poster gave me confidence in public speaking.”

“I will take back with me the role of a pharmacist in public health and how I can support my patients especially those who are susceptible to the health inequalities.”

“Going through the case studies as a large group so we can see the answers in real time with the use of free text questions on the Cloud Polls really helped with ideas.”