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Supporting designated supervisors with progress reviews

22 May 2023

The Midlands pharmacy team recently hosted an interactive stakeholder event to support designated supervisors with progress reviews for their Foundation trainees. As trainee pharmacists come towards the end of the Foundation Year, this was an opportunity for supervisors to:

  • network with fellow colleagues from across the region;
  • take a person-centred approach to get to know each other better;
  • share their achievements of the year so far;
  • share good practice; and
  • discuss potential ideas and solutions to the challenges they have experienced.

Education programme directors and designated supervisors attended the event as well as professional support and wellbeing (PSW) representatives, Doreen Davis and Fiona Perfect. Attendees found the session with PSW informative and were reassured that there is additional support for their trainees if needed. The attendees represented a wealth of expertise and experience which was harnessed during the event to support those new to their role and to produce concise resources covering:

  • the week 39 review and exam preparation;
  • evidence and assessment activities, including hard to hit learning outcomes; and
  • final sign-off.

The event also focussed on the wellbeing of supervisors and there was exchange of some great suggestions to develop their peer support network further. The team look forward to continue to work with supervisors to support the training and education of our future pharmacists.