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Zeenat Hassam recognised as one of the Pharmaceutical Journal’s ‘women to watch’

20 December 2022

Zeenat Hassan as pharmacy woman to watch

We would like to say a massive congratulations to Zeenat Hassam, Foundation Pharmacy Training Facilitator from the Midlands Pharmacy team, who has been recognised by The Pharmaceutical Journal, on their 2022 Women to Watch list.

Zeenat has worked incredibly hard throughout her career, from working as a GP pharmacist, to being a senior lecturer at De Montfort University, to her most recent role at Health Education England. Here, she continues with her passion for teaching, and she hopes she can continue to have a positive impact on the future of the workforce, as well as continuing to inspire the next generation of pharmacists.

Zeenat, along with her colleague, Nargis Gulzar, Pharmacist Foundation Year Training Programme Facilitator, also from the Midlands Pharmacy team, have written a paper, published in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. This paper focuses on how educators can support the mental wellbeing of pharmacy postgraduate students, and was based on their own findings from working in universities during the pandemic. Zeenat was recognised by De Montfort for her work during this time with a distinguished teaching award.

Zeenat works with such commitment and expertise, that the benefit is felt within the team and across the trainees and practice supervisors. It is a privilege to work with Zeenat and Nargis.

Rosalyne Cheeseman, Midlands Dean of Pharmacy

You can read Zeenat’s full profile on The Pharmaceutical Journal’s website.