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Covid-19 Stakeholder brief issue 8

15 June 2020

In this issue we share information on our Step into Schools competition, case studies from learners and resources to support these learners. The section on student nurses in general practice is highlighted below as we have had some issues adding the link into the document. Please see the briefing attached at the bottom for this weeks full update.

Supporting student nurses in general practice  

e-Learning for Healthcare has just released a new learning path to support student nurses undertaking a general practice placement as part of the COVID-19 response. Offered as part of the programme entitled ‘Resources for Nurses, Midwives and AHPs Returning to work, being Redeployed or Up-Skilled’, the training is intended to equip student nurses with the basics and complement local training. You can access ‘Supporting student nurses in general practice’ here

This bulletin should be read in conjunction with our national dedicated COVID-19 webpage.

We hope this bulletin will be helpful and provides you with a summative overview of all information, documentation, and announcements made by HEE and our partners.

We will be updating this bulletin as further information, documentation, and announcements occur.