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Great News for the Endoscopy Community!

24 February 2023

Endoscopy services have been under intense pressure for many years, but a collaboration between the Pan-Yorkshire footprint and three Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) has led to the strategic development of the Endoscopy Training Offer. The goal of this initiative is to increase endoscopy training capacity and establish high-quality, multi-professional training centres across the region. 

The collaboration was borne out of the need to address critical workforce shortages, changes to bowel screening criteria, and ever-increasing demand for services that have been exacerbated by the global Covid-19 pandemic. The Mike Richards' Diagnostic Recovery and Renewal report of 2020 highlighted the urgent need to transform diagnostic services and invest in equipment, facilities, and workforce. 

The collaboration has developed several focus areas to drive the project, including the development of an endoscopy educational offer for Pan-Yorkshire, the review of equipment and digital solutions, and the establishment of an EOI process workstream to provide leadership and expertise for the development of the Academy. Other design principles of the model include providing high-quality, multi-professional training for ST doctors, AHPs, Nurses, support staff, and administrators, and introducing immersive training in priority areas such as gastroenterology and surgical trainee doctors. The initiative also seeks to provide continuous professional development for all endoscopists to ensure both high-quality endoscopy and training is available throughout the region. 

The collaboration aims to make best use of available teaching faculty within Pan-Yorkshire, avoid duplication of provision, and align activity and investment with local, regional, and national workforce development priorities. 

This is an exciting time for the endoscopy community, and anyone interested in being part of this project or staying informed of its progress is encouraged to contact the following for more information:

HNY:  hny.diagnosticsteam@nhs.net 

SY:     debi.oxley@nhs.net

WY:   jane.lang1@nhs.net

This Page was last updated on: 24 February 2023