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HEE NEY recognise that the processes for raising different types of concerns are complex

4 August 2022

Our recent survey demonstrates only a quarter of Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists in training feel informed about these processes.

Our leadership fellows have been developing our guidance on how to raise concerns and aiming to make the process and guidance smoother and more accessible.  They have completed some surveys and have developed an infographic with the findings. They have then developed a webpage which collates everything in one place.

HEE NE recognises that the process for raising different types of concerns are complex. Our recent survey of demonstrates only a quarter of Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists in training feel informed about these processes. 

To help understand these processes, we have developed a HEENE webpage which summarises appropriate routes by which different types of concerns can be raised. This highlights the different responsibilities of the Lead Employer Trust, HEENE and NHS Trusts.