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Lift-off for Regional AHP BAME Network

9 February 2023

AHPs from across North East, Yorkshire and Cumbria met on 17 January to mark the launch of the regional BAME Network intended to raise awareness of racial disparity and progress with the anti-racism agenda.

Held at Blenheim House, Leeds, the regional BAME AHP Network launch event was hosted by author and staff network advocate Cherron Inko-Tariah MBE. She delivered an inspirational presentation to the Network members, underlining the importance and value of the group and their work. Network Chair, Chris Aitkins and Deputy Chair, Noma Makhanda spoke of their aspirations for coaching; mentoring; learning; development and leadership for the Network and its members. Additionally, Regional Head of AHP, Claire Arditto shared the new ‘AHPs Deliver’ strategy - of which anti-racism is a key objective - with the group

The Network has been formed to represent and champion the views of BAME AHPs across the region and aligns with the National CAHPO BAME SAG. Chris and Noma will continue their work with the National BAME SAG and also share their plans and progress with the Regional AHP Board.

Since its inception the Network has grown to more than 60 AHPs from a Black, Asian and minority ethnic background and is still keen to welcome new members, including Support Workers and students. Anyone wishing to be part of this ground-breaking opportunity to promote real change can do so by registering their interest at AHP.NEY@hee.nhs.uk or BAMEAHP.NEY@hee.nhs.uk.

This Page was last updated on: 9 February 2023