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New AHP Clinical Fellow for Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism

9 February 2023

Martha Leighton has joined the NEY HEE Nursing, Midwifery and AHP team as a Clinical Fellow for Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism.

Martha is a speech and language therapist by professional background, clinically working in the field of forensic mental health and learning disabilities. Martha has joined the team on a 6-month secondment to conduct a targeted project that will focus on the optimisation of the AHP Mental Health workforce in the NEY region.

The primary outcomes of this project will be to identify priorities for ‘building capacity’, ‘developing capability’ and ‘equality, diversity and inclusion’ by developing a baseline understanding of the current workforce, the future workforce, career pathways, leadership, and value. In addition, this will be a great opportunity to increase the awareness and implementation of the nationally developed ‘AHP Mental Health, Learning Disability and Autism toolkit’ for commissioning organisations. This is an essential project which will involve working closely with the AHP Faculties, Mental Health leads/networks and ICS Workforce Transformation and Programme leads across the region, ensuring that the AHP priorities within this setting are clearly identified and addressed as a collective.

This Page was last updated on: 9 February 2023