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A closer look at the Clinical Placement Management Service programme

6 October 2023

We are pleased to provide you with an update on the Clinical Placement Management Service (CPMS) programme. The CPMS programme delivered by the National Education Funding Team in the WT&E Directorate aims to support the NHS, education partners and students to have the best experience of the NHS while training. This will help the NHS to recruit, train, and retain well-trained NHS healthcare staff in the future.

Clinical placements are vital for healthcare learners. The CPMS will make sure that placements are well organised and of high quality. To achieve the goal of expanding education and preparing the right future workforce across healthcare professions, the CPMS aim is to make education and training happen in the right place and at the right time.  

Following the successful conclusion of the CPMS discovery phase, we have been reflecting on how we ensure we can remain on track to achieve the programme's key objectives, especially considering the education expansion set out in the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan.

This phase is a crucial stage in the journey towards delivering a successful CPMS. We're undertaking a thorough review of our learnings, carefully considering feedback from our stakeholders, and modifying our strategies to address any challenges that have arisen. This process will allow us to be confident in the next steps for the CPMS. Recently we held a senior stakeholder workshop where these insights were discussed, and we're excited to share plans are now underway to expand this dialogue to our regional colleagues soon.

We want to extend our thanks for your continued support and dedication to the CPMS programme. The collaboration between teams and stakeholders has been instrumental in building our knowledge and understanding of the issues and opportunities.

We're committed to keeping you updated on our progress and developments. Should you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to contact us by emailing england.placements@nhs.net.


This Page was last updated on: 6 October 2023