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Health Psychologists: Investing in our long term health.

4 April 2023

NHSE Workforce, Training and Education (WTE) North West has invested in the implementation of Health Psychologists across the north west to realise the NHS Long term plan and support the Integrated Care Systems with organisational change and support. We spoke to Dr Clare Austin and Dr Roper who are working to implement the north west health psychology workforce transformation programme

Health Psychologists are specifically trained to help people deal with psychological and emotional impacts of chronic illness such as pain management, epilepsy and long covid. The role is also being used in public health settings and to support organisation and workplace behaviour change. 

Dr Louise Roper is the Principal Health Psychologist at the Resilience Hub in Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust leading a work-stream supporting care home staff across L&SC, as well as working part time as a Principal Health Psychologist for staff support at the Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital. Clare is one of the seven WTE funded Trainee Health Psychologists in England working on the NHS workforce redesign programme.

“There is a real need for health psychologists. NHS Clinical health departments have clinical psychologists but there is an increasing need to support the large patient cohorts that have chronic physical health issues. For example, long covid is an emerging and increasing chronic health condition that will impact people for decades to come.” Dr Louise Roper 

Clare Austin has been supporting the Resilience Hub, commissioned by Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust. As a Trainee Health Psychologist, she supports frontline staff and their wellbeing through individual one-to-one therapy interventions and group sessions on a variety of topics, including managing long covid, recovery from burnout, compassion-focused therapy and menopause support sessions. 

“I feel very privileged to have become one of the first funded Trainee Health Psychologists in England. I feel particularly fortunate to commence my training within the Resilience Hub and contribute to such valuable work” Dr Clare Austin

Clare will now work with East Lancashire Hospital Trust on a range of new projects including long covid support groups and working to gain a greater understanding of the psychological needs of patients who frequently attend A&E. Clare’s work covers the north west and aims to introduce health psychology and behaviour change expertise to NHS workforce redesign in an aim to improve and innovate current systems.

The health psychologist role is different to clinical psychologists as it addresses long term physical and mental health and how to live with chronic illness. Health Psychologists are urgently needed in NHS settings to support the growing population with chronic illness. 

Find out more about Health Psychologists and Clare Austen to find out more about her work in the north west.


This Page was last updated on: 4 April 2023