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Launch of practice support guide for trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioners

3 August 2023

A new resource is now available for trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioners during their programme of learning.

The Practice Support Guide for Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioners has been put together by Anna Riley, Trainee Programme Director for the North West Faculty for Advancing Practice.


The Practice Support Guide can be accessed here

A poster explaining the development of the guide can be accessed here


Over the past 18 months, Anna has been working closely with the North West Faculty for Advancing Practice, trainee advanced clinical practitioners, higher education institutions and other stakeholders to put the guide together.

The content has largely been put together through input from current and past trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioners and includes a wealth of resources specific to supervision, work-based learning, academic study and wellbeing.

The resource also contains guidance on what trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioners should do in the event of any difficulties during their training. This could be related to their clinical practice, academic progression or issues in their personal life. The contents also include real life case studies from trainees themselves.

The faculty will be asking regional organisational leads for Advancing Practice and higher education institutions to disseminate the guide as part of new starter inductions. They will also be seeking feedback in the coming months on how it could be further developed. It is hoped that the guide will become the first point of reference for anyone embarking on a career in advanced practice.


This Page was last updated on: 3 August 2023