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Meet Ruth Gallogly, Nursing and midwifery student council member

3 March 2023

The first meeting of the North West Nursing and Midwifery student council met in January. Ruth Gallogly is a third-year adult nursing student studying at the University of Liverpool, the student council editor and will graduate in August. Ruth proposed an editorial board to create communications and materials about the work and achievements of the student council. Ruth answered some questions about the student council, her role and aspirations. 

Why did you join the nursing and midwifery student council?

I am coming to the end of my student nurse training and have had the chance to reflect on my experiences. I wanted to join the student council and use these reflections to support current and future student nurses throughout their training. Although I am apprehensive at the thought of qualifying, there is also excitement as I begin my career 

I also joined with the hope of improving my interpersonal and professional skills as I transition from a student to a qualified nurse. I value being part of a team and believe the council will achieve great things as we work together. These are skills, I already practice however, I am aware the working world is very different to student life. 

I hope to make meaningful connections and contacts with like-minded future nurses and midwives as we work as a team to empower the student voice within the nursing and midwifery world. 

I want to use this opportunity to ensure I am well equipped and prepared for life as a registered nurse to ensure the care I provide is the best it can be.


My role as student council editor and leader of the editorial board

As student council editor I believe I can contribute and make an impact through written articles and newsletters. Through this role I aim to highlight the importance of the student council and draw attention to the issues raised by student nurses and midwives in the North West. 

About the student council and reflections on our first meeting

The first student council meeting was illuminating. My university cohort is small, so it was very refreshing listening to different views of what nursing and midwifery is and should be. I was inspired by the passion of the other council members about the future of nursing and midwifery. 

One key theme I took from the first student council meeting is that all those involved are determined to ensure the student nurse and midwife voice is heard.

Through our genuine and honest conversations, I believe we can achieve real and effective change for current and future student nurses and midwives.


Aspirations for the council

I hope that the student council can shine a real but positive and motivating view about being a student nurse and midwife. I hope the student council will encourage those who have a passion for the care to enter the profession and support existing students to transition to professional registration, something we have worked so hard for. 



This Page was last updated on: 3 March 2023