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Funding for mental health crisis education and training now open

29 September 2023

NHS England identified a need for a training offer to support the development of the mental health crisis workforce for children and young people, adults and older people and is now accepting applications for the Mental Health Crisis Education and Training Fund for 2023/2025. The deadline for applications will close on Friday 20 October at 5pm.

The fund provides opportunities for Integrated Care Board (ICB) organisations across the South West to bid for funding for projects or training programmes that contribute to best practices in crisis workforce transformation will be considered through a panel review process.

Applications are open to NHS and voluntary, community or social enterprise organisations that provide services to those experiencing a crisis with their mental health. These organisations should have an initial identification, first contact or first assessment role with the individual and their loved ones.

If you are interested in applying for the fund or would like more information, please contact our Mental Health Crisis Clinical Fellow, Steph Dodds at: england.mentalhealth.sw@nhs.net.