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Join the Workforce Intelligence and Transformation Network

31 July 2023

Facilitated by NHS England, the workforce intelligence and transformation network, or WITNe, is a supportive community for individuals who lead or participate in workforce planning, redesign or transformation activities. 

Activities can include managing workforce demand and supply, upskilling roles to improve retention and service delivery, adopting new roles and work methods, and focusing on leadership in integrated care systems. 

Membership is open to anyone working in health, care, voluntary or independent sectors. The monthly meetings are held online via MS Teams on the third Thursday of the month, from 9:00 to 11:00am. Co-chaired by representatives from NHS England and an Integrated Care System. 

Join the WITNe today and attend our next meeting on Thursday 21 September. New members will receive access to meeting handouts and recordings.

Contact transformation.sw@hee.nhs.uk for further information