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Meet our dietetic leadership placement students

7 June 2023

Leadership placements at NHS England (NHSE) Workforce, Training and Education (WT&E) provide students with opportunities to learn leadership skills, develop soft skills and understand the NHS outside of clinical practice. 

Meet our current south west leadership placement students, Niamh Dempsey and Selina Bangras. Niamh and Selina are both second-year dietetic students at the University of Plymouth and joined us to celebrate Dietitians Week (5 – 9 June) this year.

What are your favourite food swaps you enjoy eating?

Selina"Sourdough is one of my favourites! Full of flavour and only using 3 ingredients so, might be an option to try if your stomach doesn’t get on with store-bought bread." Niamh Dempsey.


Why are you proud to work in dietetics?

Selina“Doctors and nurses save people's lives, but allied health professionals make it worth living. The impact I can make on clients’ lives is the reason I am a student dietitian.” Selina Bangras.





What do you hope to achieve from the NHSE WT&E leadership placement?

Niamh (left) and Selina (right)“I hope to learn more about methods and approaches for effective co-production and change.” Niamh Dempsey.

“On my leadership journey, I want to share the vision with the team.” Selina Bangras.





Student leadership placements are supported with leadership training and the skills to facilitate small time-based projects with real outcomes. Join our upcoming Leadership Placements Celebration webinar on Monday 10 July, from 10:00 - 13:00 to learn more, or contact placements.sw@hee.nhs.uk.