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New Diagnostic Radiography (DRAD) Preceptorship animation

9 May 2023

Preceptorship is defined as “a period of structured transition for the newly registered practitioner during which he or she will be supported by a preceptor, to develop their confidence as an autonomous professional, refine skills, values and behaviours and to continue on their journey of life-long learning.” - Department of Health (2010).

The South West Diagnostic Radiography (DRAD) Workforce Action Group has published a Preceptorship Tree animation after identifying a priority to support preceptorship and early career frameworks for newly qualified diagnostic radiographers in 2021.

This short animation, funded by our regional allied health professions team, explains the period of preceptorship and the key role the preceptor and mentor play to support newly registered diagnostic radiographers as they transition into employment.

The purpose of the project was to scope the current and future preceptorship provision for diagnostic radiographers, including the need to codesign and coproduce a set of principles and practices that will provide transitional support.

The south west DRAD Workforce Action Group worked with frontline staff, educators and students in the region to co-produce the animation and following engagement with Allied Health Professions (AHPs) and Clinical Imaging leads indicated variation in preceptorship offers for diagnostic radiographers across the region.

What’s next?

  • Higher education institutions and providers to implement the principles and practices.
  • Cross-reference regional principles and practices in the HCPC principles for preceptorship later this year. 

Visit our National AHP Preceptorship and Foundation Support webpage or contact AHP.SW@hee.nhs.uk for more information.