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Opportunity to join our free Star Practitioner (level 2) training this September

30 August 2023

Our national workforce transformation team is offering a free training opportunity on Wednesday 13 and 27 September 2023. NHS England works with providers and integrated care systems to provide training offers and facilitate Star workshops that help you shape your workforce redesign activities according to your local needs. Our training features an online directory of information and an organisational development framework for workforce redesign workshops.

The training is delivered over two half-day virtual sessions and equips you with the tools you need to plan and facilitate your Star workshop. Our training is designed to address specific challenges within a healthcare system and identify a broad range of potential projects that deliver improvement. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and both sessions need to be attended to complete the training. To book your spot or for further information, please contact us at transformation@hee.nhs.uk.

Visit our FutureNHS workspace for information on all our training offers If you are located in the southwest and have any questions or want to facilitate a workshop, please email Stacey.Forde1@nhs.net.