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RePAIR in the south west

29 November 2022

RePAIR fellows Jenni Fryer, Katy Wilson and Marie BarretJenni Fryer, Katy Wilson and Marie Barret have joined HEE south west to continue the Reducing Pre-registration Attrition and Improving Retention (RePAIR) programme as fellows.

Their focus will be on reviewing work, projects and initiatives previously completed under the RePAIR programme, and triangulating with current and new intelligence in the context of the development of a multi-professional Safe Learning Charter in line with key documents and standards.

Jenni, Katy and Marie are currently looking ahead to a series of virtual student listening events in December, primarily focussing on ‘What does good clinical placement training look like?’ Feedback from these events will be used to further inform the development of the charter. Contact our RePAIR team for quarterly infographics, news and updates.