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The South West Learner Council meets for the first time

31 July 2023

More than 30 healthcare students from the region have joined the South West Learner Council, which held its initial meeting last month. 

The council's primary objective is to provide its members an opportunity to voice their opinions on contemporary issues, challenges, and successes related to their education and future careers in the south west. 

The members will gain leadership experience and work closely with representatives from NHSE, healthcare students from the region and other key stakeholders. 

During the first meeting, the council discussed various areas, such as summarising the themes of everyone's vision for the council, exploring how a council might work based on co-creation and collaboration, and identifying hopes and fears in shaping the council.

The South West Learner Council will meet every 10 weeks, and the next meeting is scheduled for September, a collective decision by the members.

The council will be a safe space for generating ideas, considering solutions, and facilitating two-way information sharing between council members and our teams. The teams will adopt a non-hierarchical approach to work inclusively and collaboratively.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining the council, please visit our dedicated webpage or email repair.sw@hee.nhs.uk.