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Sport for confidence to support placement expansion

29 November 2022

As part of the south west Clinical Placement Expansion Programme (CPEP), HEE south west awarded funds to Sport for Confidence to work with the University of the West of England, Bristol to support placement expansion for occupational therapy and physiotherapy students.

The placement model was an innovative virtual and hybrid placement allowing students to learn from Sport from Confidence regarding preventative healthcare by focusing on knowledge, practice and skill development in physical activity. 

One of the outputs of the project has been student-designed guides outlining the therapeutic value of specific sports (guides on snooker, cycling, table tennis and boccia are available). The HEE south west team has been delighted to support this valuable project and looks forward to developing this placement model further with Sport for Confidence. 

The Snooker Guide was launched on 14 November at the Snooker Championships in York. If you would like to know more about the project, then contact Liz Fletcher.