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Successfully cultivating education with the GP faculty

29 November 2022

Over 70 members of HEE’s GP Educator Faculty in the south west attended an educational event where several keynote speakers involved in GP training delivered speeches. 

The event was held on 19 and 20 October at Dillington House, Ilminster, and was an opportunity for sharing best practices and innovation, and for colleagues who support qualified GPs, the South West Primary Care Academy and Training Hubs to network with each other. 

Workshops were held on the sidelines of the event for educators on trainers supporting complex trainees, making feedback matter, interactive consultation skills sessions with actors, health inequalities, team decision-making skills and exploring professional roles.

The keynote speech on day one of the event was delivered by Professor Sir Denis Pereira Gray OBE who spoke on educating the future doctor. The speech was co-facilitated by Dr Andy Eaton, an experienced educator and GP trainer.

Sir Pereira Gray, a GP in Exeter for 38 years, has a wealth of experience and is an internationally renowned expert on continuity. He led the first postgraduate university department of General Practice in Europe at the University of Exeter and has written and edited nine books and over 200 articles in medical journals.

His talk focused on the evidence for continuity and timed with the announcement of the publication of a report following the Health and Social Care Select Committee’s inquiry into the future of general practice on the value and importance of continuity of care as one of four key recommendations.

The keynote speaker on the second day was Aduke Onafowokan, a highly acclaimed diversity and inclusion expert, who spoke on moving towards an inclusive future and fostering inclusion and belonging in GP education. 

The event closed with updates from Dr Susanna Hill from HEE’s Quality Team, Dr Kathryn Ryland, our newly appointed Technology Enhanced Learning Fellow, and Dr Silvana Romero-Brown, our South West GP Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Fellow.