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Recovery and Delivery HEE Business Plan 2021/22

From our Chair and Chief Executive

Health Education England is part of the NHS and works with partners to plan, recruit, educate and train the health workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic was a massive global challenge impacting across the NHS, including students and trainees. We convened partners at the nexus of education and health to help thousands of learners join the service to fight the virus.

We all had to be agile, innovative, and cooperative. Now we must refocus and recover by learning the lessons, supporting our people, and working together. In our case continuing to support the NHS, helping learners deal with the mental and physical aftermath, and ensuring the graduate pipeline remains open. The impact of COVID-19 will be felt through the year so remains the backdrop to our 2021/22 Business Plan – Recovery and Delivery.

Now is not the time for timidity. The pandemic shows that we must grasp the moment and act, so we have refreshed our organisational goals to be more ambitious and challenging. Our annual objectives move us towards meeting those future workforce, current workforce and quality goals.

Healthcare is people driven. Individual, personal patient and clinician interactions are the beating heart of healthcare. Having the people we need to provide the right care, compassionately and effectively, remains the number one issue for the NHS.

Which is why cooperation, collaboration and partnership are our watchwords. The People Plan provided a great example of how we can work together and throughout this Plan we set out how we help convene partners and stakeholders, including Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), to deliver the results the health and care system needs.

Our objectives reflect the priorities of the NHS. Whether it’s growing primary care, more nurses, focussing on mental health and cancer, working with social care, overseeing the wellbeing and progress of 180,000 students and trainees, or reforming education and training, it is because the NHS has told us this is what is needed.

We look forward to working with you to deliver our objectives, the NHS’ priorities.

Chair - Sir David Behan CBE

Chief Executive - Dr Navina Evans CBE

Download the HEE Business Plan 2021/22
