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Displaying 847 - 852 of 922 items

Dr Helen Mead becomes vice chair of COGPED

Posted19 October 2015

We are delighted to announce that Dr Helen Mead, GP Dean at HEEM, has been appointed vice chair of COGPED, the UK Committee of GP Directors. This will enable Helen to support the sharing of ideas and best practice in Primary Care education and training across the UK, which will benefit us all in...

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Doctors and Dentists Review Body 2015/16 evidence

Posted19 October 2015

Health Education England (HEE) welcomes the opportunity to once again submit evidence to the Doctors and Dentists Review Body (DDRB) as part of its national process of gathering evidence from interested parties to inform the recommendations for 2016/17.

We greatly appreciated the...

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NHS Pay Review Body 2015/16 evidence

Posted19 October 2015

Health Education England (HEE) welcomes the opportunity to once again submit evidence to the NHS Pay Review Body (NHS PRB) as part of its national process of gathering evidence from interested parties to inform the recommendations for 2016/17.

We greatly appreciated the opportunity to...

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Prize winning poster

Posted19 October 2015

We would like to congratulate Sophie Wrighton-Turner, GP ST1 in Leicester, on her poster ‘Improving the timely completion of 6 week baby checks’, which was a prize winner at the Royal College of General Practitioners conference held recently.

Dr Helen Mead, GP Dean, said

It was a...

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East of England team wins award for environmental contribution

Posted16 October 2015

Health Education England - East of England has been recognised by the NHS Forest for planting more trees in one site than any other team or organisation in 2015 as part of the campaign.

The NHS Forest is a project coordinated by the charity, the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, aiming...

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New framework to support high quality dementia care

Posted2 October 2015

A comprehensive new resource to support health and social care staff and educators who work with people living with dementia and their carers has been launched today.

The Dementia Core Skills Education and Training Framework sets out the essential skills and knowledge necessary for all...

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