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Displaying 919 - 922 of 922 items

North west dignity promise

Posted19 April 2013

On 14 February 2013 the Skills for Health Academy North West Cadets launched their Dignity Promise to showcase their understanding of dignity and how they, as they start their careers, will demonstrate this to their patients, colleagues, peers and all who they meet throughout their time as a...

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HEE approves authorisation of 13 Local Education and Training Boards

Posted27 March 2013

Health Education England (HEE) has approved the establishment of 13 Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs), which will take on their functions from 1 April.

LETB boards, which will be committees of HEE, are made up of representatives from local providers of NHS services and cover the...

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Professor Sir David Melville CBE appointed as Chair of KSS LETB

Posted27 March 2013

We are pleased to announce that Professor Sir David Melville CBE has been appointed as Independent Chair of Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS) Local Education and Training Board (LETB).

Professor Sir David Melville CBE is Chair of Pearson Education Ltd and has been the Independent Chair of the...

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