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Advancing Dental Care Phase I

HEE’s Advancing Dental Care (ADC) Education & Training Review was commissioned to develop a dental education and training infrastructure that supplies a dental workforce with the skills to respond to the changing oral health needs of patients and services.

The Review’s first phase concluded with the ADC Report, setting out 21 recommendations for further developing HEE’s evidence-base and understanding of the dental workforce required for the future NHS, with the aim of safeguarding dental workforce sustainability and supply. 

The short film below summarises the conclusions of Advancing Dental Care Phase 1 and outlines the framework for the subsequent phases of the review.  We are currently undertaking qualitative and quantitative research and will commence a process of engagement from autumn 2019.



Phase II of the Review aims to produce a robust evidence base, working with system partners, including NHS England and the GDC, to scope the population’s current and future oral health needs, and to model the most appropriate dental workforce for meeting those needs.

We are also engaging with students, trainees and new registrants, as well as the experienced workforce, to understand their career aspirations and learning needs.

Looking at English and international best practice in dental education & training, HEE will identify education and training reform options for supplying a dental workforce that can provide quality, prevention-oriented care within a patient-centred healthcare system, as outlined in the Long Term Plan for the NHS.

To contact the ADC Team please email advancingdentistry@hee.nhs.uk

number of FAQs (Word document only, 80KB) have been prepared providing feedback to comments received during the course of the project so far.

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