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Allied Health Professional Education Workforce Capability and Career Framework
Educating the Health and Care workforce is all our responsibility whatever your role and wherever you work. Aligned to the emerging Health Education England Educators Strategy and other emerging professional and education career frameworks, this framework will support AHPs to develop as educators, supporting leaners at all career stages to deliver high quality, safe effective care. This work has been in development for a year, we are consulting on this now as colleagues tell us they would value the work now and we will continue to work closely as part of the multi-professional work to maintain alignment and help coproduce the overarching framework.
Our draft Allied Health Professions Education Workforce Capability and Career Framework is designed to support AHP Educators at every career stage within the context of multi-professional practice and education.
Your feedback is important and will be used to shape the next iteration.
AHP education is increasingly important and inextricably linked to sustaining the future AHP workforce. The contents are relevant to all professions, this work has been coproduced with the AHP community as parallel work was ongoing in other professions, our hope is that in time we will be able to look across the work and craft one approach together
Recognising education as one of four pillars (Practice, Leadership, Research and Education) of professional practice, this draft framework is important, timely and needed to promote the importance of education as an integral part of every AHP’s professional responsibility and opportunity.
It establishes a set of principles to promote and recognise the professionalism of AHP education and to realise the potential of AHP educators, a structure to promote AHP education career routes to establish the idea of expert practice in AHP education and a move towards a national standard for AHP educators.
It seeks to be inclusive, empowering for all those involved in AHP education irrespective of job role, organisational/occupational setting and career stage. It seeks to establish education as an important pillar of practice as early as possible in all AHP professionals’ careers and highlights the education opportunities for AHPs.
With the demand for and expectations of the AHP workforce increasing earlier we asked you to complete our consultation survey with both our consultation document and draft strategy in mind.
The survey is now closed and we are grateful for your responses.