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AHP professional bodies
NHS England Workforce, Training and Education directorate (previously HEE) funded AHP professional bodies to develop resources to support their membership with the development of their support workforce and the implementation of the AHP support worker competency, education, and career development framework. These resources are available on the professional bodies' websites, please find links to these below:
British Dietetic Association
The support workforce hub which was developed as part of the funded project can be accessed here, included on these pages are all our resources related to the support workforce, including those developed with the funding.
British and Irish Orthoptic Society
This section includes resources as well as information on scope of practice, roles and responsibilities, possible development and educational opportunities and a webinar link.
Please access the workforce hub here: Orthoptic support workforce hub
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Access the information here: Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Royal College of Occupational Therapists
Please access the information here: Royal College of Occupational Therapists
Introducing the Occupational Therapists Support Workforce Hub
Royal College of Podiatry
The main objective of this project was, ultimately, to increase the workforce supply into podiatry and ensure that the NHS recognises the knowledge and skills of the support workforce.
Please access the information here: Royal College of Podiatry
Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists
This section includes information on the development of a support worker competency framework and other resources.
Access the information here: Online hub and competency framework for speech and language therapy support workers.
Introducing the RCSLT support workers framework:
The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists
For more information, please access the website here: The British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists
The Society of Radiographers
For more information, please access the information here: The Society of Radiographers