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Theatre Support Workers - This report is a one year study to identify the extent to which theatre support workers (TSWs) seek opportunities to become Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs).
Funded by Health Education England and authored by June Davis and Professor Mary Lovegrove OBE, Allied Health Solutions, February 2022.
Education, Training and Deployment of Operating Department Practitioners - This report is a study which reviewed the education, training and deployment of Operating Department Practitioners shortly after the profession joined the AHPs under the remit of the Chief Allied Health Professions Officer for England.
Funded by Health Education England and authored by Professor Mary Lovegrove OBE, Allied Health Solutions, 2019.
Scoping of the orthoptic non-registered workforce: We recently funded an eight-month project which was undertaken by The British and Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS), to look at various aspects of the non-registered/support workforce within orthoptics. This part of our support workforce make a significant contribution to AHP services. Supporting them to maximise their capability is crucial to enable AHP services to meet rising population and person demand whilst supporting wider workforce transformation. Access our Scoping of the non- registered orthoptic workforce to facilitate career development and progression.