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CapitalNurse is a programme of work being delivered through collective action across London, and it belongs to all nurses in the capital.

Established in 2015, CapitalNurse forms a key part of our pan-London approach to support our nursing workforce at all stages of their career journey.

CapitalNurse’s vision, to ‘get nursing right for London’, ensures that London has the right number of nurses, with the right skills in the right place, working to deliver excellent nursing wherever it is needed.

The outputs of CapitalNurse are collaboratively designed for London nurses, and many outputs also have the potential to be used with positive impacts for other workforce groups, and in other geographies.

Every London nurse is a CapitalNurse. We:

  • Create and support a sustainable nursing workforce in London with the two approaches of making study and access to nursing simple and supporting our existing workforce in their goals and desires
  • Provide our nurses with the skills and education to provide consistent high standards of nursing care while reducing unwarranted variation
  • Promote the importance of nursing within our health team and opportunities available to lead.

For general enquiries, please email the CapitalNurse Team: england.capitalnurse@nhs.net

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