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Research internships
Research internships offer an introduction to all aspects and roles across clinical academic research from trial design, data management through to undertaking practical research in a clinical environment.
Schemes provide a range of both taught and academically supervised interventions that both engage and expose the intern to the clinical academic research environment, but also provide them with the practical skills to undertake a research project supported by an expert clinical academic supervisor.
By the end of the programme we hope that participants will have the confidence to apply their newly learned skills within their employing Trusts, become research champions and consider a future clinical academic career to include formally accredited education programmes, either within the HEE/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme, or via other routes. Interns will also benefit from an enhanced ability to apply successfully for further formal research training.
I think I am a more confident practitioner as a result and have a greater understanding of how clinical academic research supports changes in clinical practice with direct patient benefit."
Jed Jerwood, Art Psychotherapist, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust and John Taylor Hospice.
It has given me the opportunity to include elements of research into my current job and network with, plus get support from experienced researchers."
Llewellyn Boucher, Extended Scope Physiotherapy Practitioner, Kent.
Resources and case studies are available to support your decision making and conversations with your manager.
An internship scheme will:
- develop research and research capabilities throughout all levels of the NHS in order to enhance and diffuse evidence based practice (by providing research champions)
- provide the opportunity to develop a network of clinical academics so that learning, best practice and innovation can be shared and disseminated, both regionally and nationally
- support the development of clinical skills as well as research skills
- encourage research into areas related to HEE’s Mandate or to education and training as a whole
- offer an insight into a career in clinical academia and provide experience which would support applications for further formal research training.
For queries regarding research options in our local teams (including internships) please contact the following in your region:
If you are employed in the North West region, find information and contacts here.
If you are employed in the North East and Yorkshire region, find information and contacts here.
For the Integrated Clinical Academic Programme Internship Scheme information also available on Sheffield Hallam University website.
For all other general queries contact the regional education team.
Midlands and east
Including; Central Midlands, North Midlands, West Midlands and East of England.
Clinical Academic Internship Programme information also available on the east of England website and Birmingham health partners website.
Including; North and South London .
Contact us on:
For the Integrated Clinical Academic Programme Internship Scheme information also available on the London South Bank University website (hyperlink to) Integrated Clinical Academic Schemes | London South Bank University (
Including; Thames Valley, Wessex , South West, Kent Surrey and Sussex.
To apply for the internships, candidates must be a registered professional from one of the professions listed in the eligible professions and registered bodies document below. The internships are available to those who have received no formal long term training in research. If, as part of your registration requirements, you had to complete a diploma or masters you are still eligible to apply.
Applications must have clear potential for benefiting patients and the public and can involve: patients; samples or data from patients; members of the public/carers; health technology assessment; health services research; and research into clinical education and training. We would encourage applications where the research would focus on one of HEE’s Mandate requirements or into education and training.
Applications will be administered and managed by local teams, based on local requirements.