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Past events and webinars
October-November 2023: Distribution of Specialty Training: Postgraduate Doctors in Training Webinar
On 24 October and 6 November 2023, we held a webinar for postgraduate doctors in training which covered programme updates. This included progress on Phase A specialties and next steps for the programme following the publication of the Long-Term Workforce Plan. We also provided updates on themes gathered from the recent trainee focus groups, the recommendations made and how we have started to progress this work. Further information and the webinar recording can be accessed here.
June 2023: Postgraduate Trainee Perceptions of the Distribution of Medical Specialty Training Programme Focus Groups.
The Focus Groups ran through May and June and key findings can be found below.
- Focus Groups
- Virtually and in-person
- All Postgraduate Doctors in Training (PGDiTs) invited – recruitment through social media, NHS England Comms, and Trust Medical Education Departments
- Participant information sheet and informed consent
- Topic guide
- Thematic analysis
There were 53 participants who registered and were on placement in the following areas
- North West: Recipient
- Blackpool: Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Preston: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
- Yorkshire and Humber: Donor
- Leeds: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Hull: Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- London: Donor
- London: Virtual - All London PGDiTs invited
- South East: Recipient
- Tunbridge Wells: Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
- Southampton: University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
- South West: Recipient
- Truro: Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
- National
- Virtual
Overview and Key Issues
- It is well documented that the NHS is under significant strain, which is resulting in workforce burnout, dissatisfaction, and ultimately attrition – this work needs to be placed in that context
- The aim of the Distribution programme to contribute to the narrowing of health inequalities was applauded
- However, its justification and the evidence used was questioned by the PGDiTs
- This is probably attributable to a lack of understanding of the methodology and lack of awareness of the programme considerations
- Key issues pertinent to this group:
- Recruitment
- Training opportunities
- Clinical supervision
- Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration (CESR)
From the discussions it was possible to identify six dominant themes which were as follows:
- Delivery of Care
- Recruitment and Retention
- Specialty Training Experiences
- Distribution Programme Planning and Implementation
- Alternatives to Training Programmes
- Healthcare Infrastructure and Support
Key Learning From the Themes
This work has resulted in the following learning points for the programme:
- Ensure engagement opportunities are repeated at regular intervals throughout the programme, including regional webinars.
- Consider repeating this qualitative work in the future.
- Ensure website content is up to date and includes information relating to modelling and other work supporting the programme.
- Consider how to accelerate Enhancing Educational Supervision Capacity.
- Where possible, consider non-workplace factors when moving training posts.
- Continue to examine the impacts of the programme with respect to PGDiTs - this exercise does not replace the need to undertake EQIAs (Equality Quality Impact Assessments) across multiple axis of the Distribution and Expansion programmes.
- Work with providers in areas of increasing post investment to ensure they are prepared for an increase in PGDiTs.
March 1-2 2023: Medical Education Leaders UK meeting
Professor Adrian Brooke, Medical Director Workforce Alignment, Miss Ginny Bowbrick, Clinical Advisor Workforce Alignment and Dr Nisha Nathwani, Clinical Advisor Workforce Alignment, all from Health Education England, presented the distribution workstream at the Medical Education Leaders UK spring meeting in Nottingham in early March. They shared the drivers and aims of the workstream relating to reducing health inequalities.
Webinar for postgraduate doctors in training:
A webinar took place on 10 October 2022 for postgraduate doctors in training on the Addressing Health Inequalities Distribution of Medical Specialty Training programme. The one hour session featured a panel of experts from Health Education England, NHS England and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, who answered pre-submitted and live questions.
- Adrian Brooke, Medical Director, Health Education England
- Aidan Fowler, Director of Patient Safety, NHS England
- Alastair Henderson, Chief Executive of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
- Matt Clarke, Chair of the Academy of Royal Colleges Trainee Doctors’ Group
You can watch the recording of the webinar below:
Stakeholder Engagement Event:
An engagement event with specialty stakeholders was held on Wednesday 12 October 2022. This event detailed the background and aims of the workstream and was an opportunity for colleagues to feedback any comments or observations regarding the next set of specialties.
View the slide deck from this event here
You can listen to some key comments from this event below:
Dr Navina Evans – CEO Health Education England and Chief Workforce Officer NHS England (length 9m 12s)
Professor Stephen Powis – National Medical Director NHS England (length 10m 27s)
Mr Jon Hossain - Deputy Postgraduate Dean Health Education England (length 6m 34s)
Following this event, we will be setting up specialty specific task and finish groups, chaired by the lead Dean, to discuss specialty considerations in more detail.