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What is the difference between funded training posts?

On the surface, both HEE and Trust funded training posts are the same and any trainee in those posts would notice any difference. All trainees are supported by HEE in the same way. However, in the background some posts have different funding steams. Some are paid for by HEE (as mentioned above) whereas others are predominately funded by NHS Trusts (which often vary by region). This programme is equitably distributing HEE funding only.  

HEE pays a salary contribution (sometimes 50%) towards doctors in training salaries of trainees in HEE funded (tariff posts).  For Trust funded posts, this salary contrition does not apply but the training posts in practice are identical.  Further to salary contribution, for all specialty training posts in England HEE also pays other things per trainee like:

  • Education support costs 
  • Study Leave  
  • Relocation and excess travel